Yeah I have used the title before but, I am taking the route of Hollywood now a days. Well, no I am not going to make this update from a comic (SPIDERMAN was good) or make a sequel (cough, Matrix) out of a movie that has no buisness having a sequel to but I am going to do something else they do quite often, I am going to take an old update and make it completely new. Take The A- TEAM and KYLIE throw it in a mixing bowl and a little sugar and VIOLA! there you go, you have this blog update, minus Liam Neeson ( one of my favorite actors, by the way). So with out further ado, I give you this update, hold the applause.
The last two days has been a roller coaster of emotion and action. Kylie had her pacemaker surgery yesterday, I realize that a previous update had it for next week and we apologize for the confusion, but actually it almost wasn't too far off the mark. We were scheduled for surgery at 7:00am. The way surgery day works is about six hours before they are no longer able to eat anything solid and then two hours before they become what is called NPO, which is Latin for "you get NOTHING to eat, no matter how hungry you are". So we got Kylie up at about 4:45am to give her some apple juice and to spend sometime with her before surgery. Well at 6:00, a hour after she is NPO, and awake and playing in the play room we got some interesting news. We were bumped, we weren't cancelled, we were just bumped for an undetermined amout of time. Why did such a thing happen? Who would be so selfish and self centered to steal a surgery spot from a two year old. The culprit, a nine year old...his reason.... He got a new heart!!...I know, how selfish can you to be real careful who I make that joke around. That would be my luck, that this would be the one time that someone would take me seriously. Before anyone starts hating me, we are thrilled and excited for him and we understood the need for us to be bumped. Needless to say, they got priority but our surgeon still wanted ours done as well. The only problem was is that there was no definite time, it could be twenty minutes or it could be four hours, so there was no way that we could safely feed her and still be good for surgery. I am not saying that this was a problem, but I will say I had no idea my daughter knew so many different food words. She was rather upset and there was no way to tell her what was going on or why we couldn't feed her. They finally gave her a little something to relax and her and daddy got to take a nap, with her on top of me. I was not complaining.
At about 9:00, Kylie and I were awakened to hear that it was time. We carried her down and got her situated, gave her some happy drugs and off they took her, at about 10am, for what would be, a supposed, three hour surgery. It took them about an hour to finish getting her prepped and making the first cut. The first lead went on great, not a problem at all. The second one....well, that one is another story. Let's just say that a three hour surgery was stretched to six hours because of that one lead and they are still not completely happy with it. The pace maker will keep her rate from going too low, but she is still in the bad rhythm and with the leads the way they are it can't really correct it. It wasn't for lack of trying, the one lead that they were n't happy had to tried and placed EIGHT different times. They are hoping that as the surgery swelling and inflmation goes down that the pick-up on the pace maker gets better. As long as the connection stays the way it is or gets better, it is fine. If it get worse then they will have to go back in and try to fix it. There is some indication as well, that she may becoming out of heart block. Her heart will, every so often, go in to a normal rhythm. If that is the case, they will just leave the pacemaker in as a back-up. that would be just like my daughter though.
The problem with going back in, other than the obvious, is that they will have to crack her chest again. This surgery, we were able to make an inscion along her side and thread the leads through her rib cage, it is less traumatic that way. It is still very painful because they had to cut through her muscle. So please be praying that things go well.
So Kylie spent the night in the PCTU and Aubrey and I got to do something that we have not done in over three whole weeks, sleep in the same bed together. The hospital was amazingly generous and put us up in a hotel for 5 nights, which will hopefully be how long we have to be here. We have a regular bed and a shower that we don't have to share. Hey, I have slept on a couch or recliner for the last three weeks, I got nothing left to prove, so don't you judge me :-). Though, Kylie had to go and ruin it and get out the PCTU and is now back on the general floor, so Aubrey and I will be switching back and forth, one of us will be sleeping with her, while the other will be using the hotel. Once again, before you hate, I am kidding, I am very thankful that we are back on general floor. Like I said, we are hoping that it is only for another few nights. The big things that will keep us here would be the pace maker not working right and how long it would take for her drainage tube to stop draining. I think we all remember how long they took to drain for the last surgery. Please be praying that we get out soon, we have both caught ourselves calling this place HOME. Also please be praying for the nine year old that stole our spot :-), we never had to get a new heart but we have had a few friends that have had to and it is such an awesome gift but an awesome amount of stress and new responsibility. Also, please be praying for the family of the donor, while one family is celebrating one is grieving.
Thanks to all of you for what you do for us. Your prayers and support are amazing and are such an encouragement. You don't know what a joy you are to us. Good night and God Bless.
My house seems extra chaotic this morning. So not a whole lot of time for writing an original comment. So I will just tell you again that we are praying and thinking of you guys.