So here I sit, writing another update, just amazed at how the last 24 hours have been, To let you know where we are, I feel, we need to let you know where we have been. So sit back, relax and enjoy the journey that we are about to take, don't worry I am a fairly decent driver, pay no attention to what my wife says.
I like to think of myself as a morning person. I usually like to get up in the mornings, do my work out, and start my day before Aubrey or Kylie get up. It is kind of mine own personal time. Let me just tell you, this morning was shaping up to be a gorgeous day. See there were three things that happened this day, that has not happened in quite a while. First off, it was beautiful outside, the sun was shinning and it was looking to be a warm day and NO RAIN. Second, I didn't have to work, they had called me Friday and gave me the Saturday off. Third, I had no where I needed to be. Now you may think that the last statement ties in with the second. Oh no, my friend, they are different all together. See, this was a Saturday with NOTHING going on, no work, no doctors, no therapies, nothing. It was a family day and I had plenty of ideas of what we could do and barely any of them were at all productive. :-). So, I finished my work out and got getting back in bed, like I said, not productive at all. But that was all about to change.
Change came by way of a phone call, from our friendly neighborhood G.I. doc. No it wasn't snake eyes, it was Dr, Nadoff (bonus points to those who got that, because as I think more about it...that was a really lame joke.) Dr, Nadoff takes care of anything stomach/digestive/abdomen related, so he was running point on the GOOD YEAR blimp my daughter calls a belly. He had gotten a preliminary report back about the fluid they had taken off and it was swimming with what are called GRAM NEGATIVE RODS, which are bad bacteria. Basically, my daughter had the warning signs of a nasty infection and he didn't want her at home, so he was sending us back to the hospital to be admitted, so much for the day off. But remember I asked for this, I was not happy from before about just being sent home after the fluid draw on Friday. There was just one problem though, and this was why they didn't keep us Friday, my daughter was not acting sick at all. Kylie had no fever, no cough, no nothing and all of our latest blood work-ups have come back clean. Her white blood cell is normal, if there was an infection they would have been elevated. So we have a little CHD girl with fluid coming from goodness knows where and has an infection that seems to have no symptoms. Where is Dr, House when you need him (that joke is not so suttle)?
So we load up the van, thank goodness we were still mostly packed from the day before and off we went back to the hospital and to the E.R. where we got to meet (drum roll please) DR. HOUSE!! How cool was that! I mean this Dr. House wasn't Hugh Laurie but still it was close, he was just missing the limp, the cane, vicodin addiction, and everything else...but besides from being nothing like him other than the name, they could have been twins. Anyway Dr. House and his team (that makes me smile), spent the next 8 hours putting Kylie through every medical initial, I mean test, they have. She got an ECHO, EKG, I.V., X-RAY, blood draw, and an ultrasound, trying to figure out what was going on. The only issue is that everything is coming back really well, I am not complaining, but it is a tad bit confusing. There is a possibility that the sample they took from Kylie was, accidentally, exposed to bacteria during the testing process and that is what is growing. That could explain the infection, but not the fluid build up. They still haven't found where that is coming from either. The heart looks good as does the liver, those are the two main culprits. There is a small percentage of CHD babies who just release alot of fluid for no reason. The cardiologists we have talked to have heard about it but haven't seen it before. But small percentages seem to be my daughter's strong points.
So we have a infection, that may not be, in fluid, that may not have a real discernible cause. My daughter really has it in for me and my need for answers. The plan, for now, is to treat the infection like the real deal until we find out otherwise, because if this is a real infection it could get into her blood stream, and that is no laughing matter. We are admitted for a few days while they run tests and load her up with antibiotics, for the possible infection, and lasixs, to get the fluid off of her. We are probably going to have a sedated ECHO in the morning, so they could have a better look at the heart, and maybe even a heart cath, among other things. They aren't going to let Kylie go until they are sure everything is all right. I won't complain about that one. Thanks for you prayers and support...God bless you all.
P.S. you want to hear something selfish and self-centered ( sure you do)....The Stamm's went home today! I mean really, we went through all this work to get admitted so we could hang out and they go and get themselves sent home. UNGRATEFUL...just kidding! Cayman had a MRI done and some tests performed and everything looks great, the shunt seems to be working wonderfully, so they discharged her! There is no really clear answer to why Cayman had her episode. Maybe a clot was in the shunt and it broke free, there is no way of telling. That is a hard thing for me, because sometimes, there is no real clear answer. We just need to trust that it is in God's capable hands and that He is in control. He took the time to form each one of these babies with His own hands and breathe life into them with His own mouth. He knows what they can take and what they need. Maybe we can take some comfort in that, that someone more powerful than us is in control of the big picture, someone who loves us very much. If you are having trouble with remembering that at times, don't worry, I do too. Good night all and God Bless, we are in good hands.
If our girls have to be in the hospital I agree that it should be at the same time so we can hang out more! We sure enjoy you ones so much!
ReplyDeleteCayman saw Dr. House at Mott's once in the E.R. I pray he can uncode the secrets your daughter likes to keep from everyone. I think mostly she just wanted to come back to stare at her giant poster self some more. That was pretty cute!