Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Quick update surgery Friday?

I know Ron has a much more interesting and informative post in the making, but he has been busy going back and forth to work and hasn't had time to finish it. So in the mean time I thought I would give you a quick less intersting update.We are still in the hospital and still in heart block. Kylie had what we think was a bug over this past weekend so she hasn't been eating or drinking much and most of what she has drank/ate she hasn't kept down (today has been better) so she is running low on energy and patients. We are planing to put a pacemaker in first thing Monday morning unless she comes out of the heart block sooner. They don't think she will come out of the heart block because today is day 10 and the longer you are in heart block the less likely it is you will come out. The pacemaker surgery will definetly be easier than her previous surgery, but still a serious thing as they will still have to open her chest to atatch the leads and the actual device will go in her belly which will requier an insion in her belly along with the one in her chest. Also there is the infection risk  and all the other risks that go along with surgery. Plus if the infection that we had in her belly ever comes back we have just given it a yellow brick road straight to her heart. Hopefully none of that will be a problem. The other potential issue will be the chest tube. We have heard everything from " it won't take long" to "well she is a fontan" refering to her last surgery and saying that we could be here for weeks just waiting on chest tube drainage to stop. But again we're hoping not to have that issue and to get to go home soon after surgery. We know she will be just fine this is just a pit stop. Sorry this update wasn't as entertaining as Ron's, but there it is. Well miss Kylie just woke up from nap so I need to go take care of her. Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. They mean a lot.


  1. It's hard not knowing where in time the homeward bound date resides. Ya just gotta hang out and force patience upon yourself. And that is difficult. We're lifting you all up in prayer and protection over Kylie from all these heavy risks.

  2. It was a great update Aubrey... and easier to read than Ron's with all his spelling and grammar mistakes! He will have to pay a butt-load for an editor for his book! Love you guys... constantly praying!
